The National Nature Service for Wales is a country-wide movement for action to restore nature by creating good new jobs and livelihood opportunities in nature and embedding green skills across the workforce of the future.

Who is involved

So far, the co-design process has involved over 180 people from a wide variety of organisations. These include 3rd sector organisations involved in delivering a range of environmental, social, economic and cultural programmes – nationally and/or locally; several local authorities and Local Nature Partnerships; various departments in Welsh Government and Natural Resources Wales; National Parks and AONBs; education and training providers including colleges and Lantra; youth organisations; business organisations; farming and forestry organisations

…and more are joining all the time.

The process is being organised by the Wales Inquiry of the Food, Farming & Countryside Commission, with support from the Office of the Future Generations Commissioner, under the auspices of the Green Recovery Task Group – a cross sector group convened to act quickly and creatively in response to the impacts of the pandemic. 

The Future Generations Commissioner for Wales included the proposal to create a national nature service in Fit for the Future Programme for Government

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